Book flexible workspaces for all the ways you work and meet


How it works

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Finding a perfect meeting space in your city for a specific time and date that is just right for you and the number of people you are meeting is easy.

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As soon as you have found the perfect space for your meeting and needs, you will be able to book extra facilities or products, and choose the ideal table setup.

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Book and pay

Select your preferred payment method and confirm your booking. Inform other participants about the booked space and your booking details.

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Every booking includes protection against provider cancellations, against listing inaccuracies, and against other issues like trouble checking in. Learn more

About Us

Deskbookers is Europe's largest flexible office and meeting space booking platform. We build the bridge between professionals looking for workspace and property owners developing their businesses. Our platform provides companies with direct access to thousands of office and meeting spaces across the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium.

It is our aim to solve the lack of transparency of the office and meeting space market by allowing anyone to quickly and easily book venues online. Our integrated solutions serve expanding businesses and property owners alike.

We offer options for short and long term offices customized around your needs. From monthly to yearly contracts, our team helps you find your perfect work space. For all team sizes and budgets.